Let us find your target audience

Use this template to find your buyer persona or avatar

1)Avatar Identity

Pick a name 

What’s their gender?

How Old Are They? 

What is the highest degree or level of school your Avatar has completed? 

What’s their marital status? 

How many children do they have? How old are their children?

Where are they located? 

What’s a quote they would say? What’s a statement that reflects the way they speak?

What books do they read?  

What blogs do they go to?  

Who do they look up to?

What is their lifestyle? 

Their social media habits. In which socials they congregate

 How do they relax?

How much do they make each year?

Their Business 

To get a closer look at your avatar’s business identity, the app about their business will help you.

Now summarize the answers above and describe How you will help your Avatar.

1) First, Describe the ideal client/customer. 

2) In one sentence, describe the result that your work provides to your client/customer. Put the thing where are they now and where they want to be the most by answering these questions

What is their main focus now? 

At which point of their life are they now?

What is their long-term goal?

What immediate results do they want to get?

or use this template

My client/customer(s) (who want) Blank (so that) Blank

2)Their Pains and Problems

Your job is to identify their problems and solve them with your offer. You must offer them something irresistible which will solve all their pains. Try to think in the way your ideal customer would think and answer these questions:

What is the biggest problem your client/customer has right now? Write down all their problems.

What keeps them awake at night? 

What are they afraid of? 

What things do your client/customer no longer want to experience/ deal with? (feelings, actions, interactions, circumstances, tasks) 

What are they angry about? 

Who are they angry at? 

What are their top three daily frustrations?

What trends are occurring and can occur in their lives or businesses? 

Who is their competition, and how it sells similar products/services? 

What does your ideal client/customer believe will happen if they fail? 

Why is it important that she/he fix this problem now?

What are the consequences of waiting or continuing on like they are? (emotional, financial, relationship, business, or health)


3)Their Objections & Roadblocks in the Purchasing Process

You must find what stops your customers from accepting your offer. You must find their internal and external objection and roadblocks and answer all answers they may have, and prevent them from moving forward.

Do they need approval from someone else to accept your offer, or can they buy your offer directly? 

What are the biggest obstacles and roadblocks that stand in the way of your client/customer getting the results they want? 

Who are your competitors for this offer? 

What does your client/customer NOT like about some of the other services, products, or businesses in your niche?  

Has your perfect client had other experiences with business or services like yours? 

What didn’t they like about those experiences? 

How does your offering need to be unique or different for your perfect client/customer to invest in you? 

4) Their Short Term and Long-Term Desires

Where they want to be (short term and long-term goals) 

Their Short-term desires- in 3-6 months from now  

Their Long-term desires – Their vision 

What are the four to five areas that you focus on in your work to get your client/customer the result they want? 

What are the most important tips/ strategies you would give someone who needed to get results quickly?

What are the mistakes that your perfect client/customer is making right now that are keeping them stuck  

5) Merge all parts and get your Ideal Customer 🙂

You need time to find your Avatar. But when you find them, you can create a tailored offer according to your customer needs. Then, you will address the offer to your Avatar, solve their pain with it, and answer all their questions that may stop them from buying, and show them they will get short-term and long-term results with your offer.


Your task: Your task is to create your Avatar. Be specific. Answer all questions and build your dream customer. Get A Clear Picture of Who You Are Selling To!


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