3 Challenges

September 25th

Bobbie had a little bit of time in the office after her coffee with Jim and was clearing up before heading home. It had been a mixed kind of day: she was still pleased with the stellar feedback from the visit but the enormity of the risk assessment was becoming more apparent.

Just before she left for the day, an email popped up from Jim with the subject ‘Challenges’. She checked her watch. It was time to head out if she wanted to beat the traffic and have dinner with the kids but she was curious to hear Jim’s thoughts. She cleared her desk and pulled the message up on her phone to scan it on the way to her car.


From: “Jim” <ratherbegolfing@mymail.com>

Subject: Challenges

Date: September 25

Hey Bobbie

Thanks for the awful coffee earlier and for making my retirement more stressful!

I’ve been thinking things over and before we (I mean you) jump into the weeds of this thing, I think it’s worth thinking about the challenges that a big project like this is going to run into. Anything this big is going to face some headwinds so I’ve been thinking back to some of the big projects I’ve been involved with in the past, trying to work out what the main issues were. I think this risk assessment for Xavier might have its own specific difficulties, but for what it’s worth, here’s what this old man thinks you need to watch out for.


  • No Buy-in – I know Xav is bought into this but make sure you bring the rest of the team along too (especially Yvonne and Zack). I’d do some groundwork with them and sell the idea to the management team once you have clarified the scope with Xav.
  • Resource shortages – I think time’s the big limitation here but we’ll need to see what else is / isn’t available. For example, is the idea that you visit Janwick too? That would be a strain on time and budget I’d imagine. Maybe stay constraints-led and make sure Xav is realistic about what can be achieved with the resources available.
  • Unclear Purpose – I think you’re addressing this later with Xav but make sure that you get him to clarify the purpose of the risk assessment. Make sure that’s shared with the other managers and really sell the benefits to the business.
  • Unclear Process – We’re going to have to really focus on KISS here but also to make sure that everyone involved understands what we are doing and what the expectations are. You need everyone on the same page here. (Remind me to tell you about the Texas City audit one day…).
  • Trying to be too clever – I think you were really successful with the HSE overhaul because you kept us grounded and built on what was already in place. We didn’t get ahead of ourselves and try to make up a whole new system so let’s do the same here: let’s KISS – keep it simple – and use tried and tested methods. I don’t think there’s time for anything else and our learning curve is steep enough as it is.
  • Loss of energy – (or in Xav’s case attention). I think three weeks is short enough to stay focused and maintain momentum but let’s make sure we don’t go over that and start to lose steam. Otherwise, this could be another one of the good ideas that’s still in the ‘incomplete’ column a year from now.


I know you know this already but I could see earlier that you were already thinking about the mechanics – just don’t lose sight of the forest for the trees!


PS – Give my love to Alex and the kids – why don’t you come over on Saturday for a BBQ? ‘Grandpa’ Jim accidentally bought a new jungle gym I think the kids will like. 


Bobbie sat back in the driver’s seat taking a minute to herself.

‘More things to add to the ‘to do’ list’, she thought. ‘And more things to clarify with Xav.’ 

She quickly fired off a meeting request to Debbie asking for 30 minutes with Xavier the following day. 

‘That should help clarify things,’ she thought, ‘just as long as I work out what it is I need to know by then.’

She glanced at the clock. 

‘Definitely time to get out of here’ she thought. She pushed the risk assessment out of her mind and eased into traffic. She was eager to see Alex and the twins for their traditional Wednesday night pizza night. 

She had a feeling those might be in jeopardy over the next few weeks. 


Beyond The Spreadsheet Copyright © 2020 by Andrew Sheves. All Rights Reserved.

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