Assessment Challenges – Summary

Your risk assessment faces many challenges but some of the most significant will occur before you even start. Keep these points in mind while you are planning the assessment. That way you will set yourself up for success.

  • Ensure you have a mandate from senior leadership and their buy-in for the risk assessment
  • Secure the resources you need including staffing, budget and – most importantly – time.
  • Be clear on the purpose of the assessment and how it supports the business.
  • Ensure that everyone understands the process you are using.
  • Don’t be too specialized or esoteric in the approach you take. KISS and ensure that what you produce can be used and understood by other departments.
  • Stay focused and stick to a tight timeline. Don’t plan a months-long assessment and let things drag on because the organization will lose interest.

Stack the odds in your favor and get off to a strong start.



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