Frameworks: A Final Word


Don’t panic

The reassuring cover of The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams


This is by far the chunkiest section of the book and there’s a lot in it. However, you don’t need to have memorized everything here. A lot of what I described in this section is background: it’s how the sausage gets made.

So do you really need to know that? Well, yes and no.

Yes because you should at least be able to look at a framework critically to determine its strengths and weaknesses. And you should be able to spot where it follows or diverges from a standard or reference.

But this work will often be done for you and, assuming it has been done well, you can just apply the framework you’ve been given.

So in the short-term, just make sure you understand the components of a framework and how they fit together. However, in the long-term, come back to this section so you can dig a little deeper.

With all that said, now you have your data and your framework so it’s time to pull everything together.


Beyond The Spreadsheet Copyright © 2020 by Andrew Sheves. All Rights Reserved.

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