Interview planning Guide


  • Book sufficient time – at least an hour per interview.
  • Ideally interview in person but other options are possible.
  • Review all notes before the interview.
  • Confirm what you know and what you don’t. What are your critical information requirements?
  • Prepare and know the questions you will ask.
  • Confirm meeting details 24-hours in advance.
  • Schedule short breaks or catch-up time between interviews if conducting more than one each day.


  • Begin the interview with an open mind.
  • Start by confirming basic information to break the ice.
  • Tackle core questions as early as possible to leave time for topics raised by the interviewee.
  • Use open questions that can’t be answered with a simple yes or no. Also avoid leading questions. For example, asking ‘are you worried about terrorism?’ is going to trigger a range of emotions and give that threat a higher priority than it might warrant. Instead, you could start with ‘what kinds of security threats are you concerned about?’.
  • Keep thorough, clear notes.
  • Use evidence if making a point / challenging an assertion.
  • Listen, listen, listen.
  • Stay engaged.


  • Review notes.
  • Send a ‘thank you’ note and schedule a follow up if necessary.
  • Follow up on any data points you missed.
  • Write up findings.



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