Project Planning – Summary

Planning your assessment needn’t take long and is time very well spent. Follow these five steps and you will have a clear project plan in a couple of hours (or less).

  1. Establish the objectives, scope and parameters
  2. Confirm your project team and the assistance available
  3. Think about the assessment structure
  4. Consider your information sources
  5. Write up your project plan

This will ensure that you remain focused on the objective and are working within the resources and time available. Even if you have all this information in your head, writing it down gives you a reference and something to share with the others involved.
Start as you mean to go on, with clarity and a deliberate purpose.

Use the template on the following page to capture the key information to design your assessment project. Then, use the scheduling assistant to develop a project plan and timetable. (Both are available as downloads on the download page.)


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