Glossary and Abbreviations

The following terms and abbreviations are used throughout the text. Citations and sources are included where appropriate.

ALARP As low as reasonably possible. A level after which it would be too expensive or disruptive to reduce the risk any further.
Downside risk A risk that would hinder your objectives.
HSE Health, Safety and Environment. Sometimes HSSE to include security.
Impact The effect a risk source would have on your objectives. Effect or consequence are often used as synonyms.
KISS Keep it stupid simple. The principle that systems work best when they are as simple as possible. Attributed to Lockheed engineer Kelly Johnson.
Likelihood The chance of something happening” (ISO).
Opportunity The source of an upside risk.
Risk The effect of uncertainty on objectives” (ISO). Risks can have a positive or negative effect – see upside and downside risks.


Risk appetite The amount of risk an organization is comfortable with on a day-to-day basis or the amount of upside risk that it wants to pursue.
Risk tolerance The amount of risk an organization can bear for a short period of time.
Threat The source of a downside risk. Hazard can be used synonymously.
Upside risk A risk that would support your objectives.
Vulnerability An absence of or weakness in controls or defenses designed to prevent a threat from causing an impact. A low vulnerability indicates comprehensive protective measures are in place. Exposure is used synonymously in some cases.


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