2 Checklist

Here is the checklist that will help you to accomplish this week’s task.

Choosing Your Niche

 Start jotting down ideas

 Include reasons behind your interest

 Choose an evergreen niche

Getting Started with Niche Research

 Identify the keywords that are used by your target market

 Research the competition

 Go to Quora 

 Go to Soovle

 Go to Forums 

 Go to BoardReader is a free keyword tool

 Start with the free Ubbersugest Keyword Tool to find specific words and phrases

 Use it to research specific products, services, and solutions

 Identify keywords with the most profit potential

-Low competition

– High search volume

– Little cost/effort to rank high

 Find which keywords people are using

 Test as many keywords as you can

Check if the niche is profitable.

 Type the keyword on the Google Search Bar and see how many people advertise for that keyword

 Go to Amazon.com and see how many books/products you can find

 Go to Udemi.com and see how many courses have on that particular niche and how many people paid to join them 


The Copywriting and Marketing Weekly Training Copyright © by Elizabeta Kuzevska. All Rights Reserved.

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